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미국유학/Foundations of AI

2.19 수요일


-Beam search


-Stochastic hill-climbing


-Simulated annealing




-Grid search


 챗지피티는 브루트포스로 학습시켜서 리소스 낭비가 심할거래



-Anytime search. -> 다른 오프라인서치(A* 등) 들과 다름 

          -중간에 멈춰도 결과가 있음



-Adversarial Search

-Minimax search (e.g. tiktak-toe)




            Alpha-beta pruning

  • As you are expanding the search tree DFS-style, keep two bounds:
  • These represent the range of values the node can take on in order to reach the root
  • As you search, tighten the bounds




-Planning Algorithm







'미국유학 > Foundations of AI' 카테고리의 다른 글

복습  (0) 2025.02.20
2.14, FRI, Foundations of AI  (0) 2025.02.15
python  (0) 2025.02.10
1.31 (FRI), foundations of AI  (0) 2025.02.01
1월29일 수요일  (0) 2025.01.30