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미국유학/Data Structure and Algorithm

Iterable, Linkedlist, Queues, Stack, Trees

public class LibraryCatalog implements Iterable<Book> {
    private ArrayList<Book> books;

    LibraryCatalog() {
        books = new ArrayList<>();

    public void addBook(String name, String author) {
        Book book = new Book(name, author);

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < books.size(); i++) {
        return sb.toString();

    public Iterator<Book> iterator() {
        return books.iterator();


public class LibraryCatalogExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LibraryCatalog catalog = new LibraryCatalog();
        catalog.addBook("The Women", "Kristin Hannah");
        catalog.addBook("The Ministry of Time", "Kaliane Bradley");
        catalog.addBook("X",  "Sue Grafton");

        Iterator<Book> it = catalog.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {

        // Another way to iterate over books in the catalog - can do it because LibraryCatalog implements Iterable
        for (Book book: catalog) {


package linkedlists;

import java.util.Iterator;

/** A class representing a singly linked list. */
public class LinkedList  implements  Iterable<Node> {
    private Node head, tail;

    /** Constructor */
    public LinkedList() {
       head = null;
       tail = null;

     * Creates a new node with the given element and adds it to the back of the
     * list
    public void append(int elem) {
       Node newNode = new Node(elem);
       if (tail != null) {
          tail = newNode;
       } else { // if it's an empty list
          head = tail = newNode;

    /** Prints all the nodes in the link list */
    public void printNodes() {
       Node current = head;
       while (current != null) {
          System.out.print(current.getElem() + " ");
          current = current.next();

     * Insert a new node with the given element in front of the linked list
     * @param elem element
    public void insertAtFront(int elem) {
       // Insert a new node with elem in front of the linked list
       Node newNode = new Node(elem);
       if (head == null) {
          head = tail = newNode;
       else {
          head = newNode;

     * Insert a new node with the given element at index i
     * @param i index
     * @param elem element
    public void insertAtIndex(int i, int elem) {
       // Iinsert a new node with the given elem
       // at "index" i
       // Example:
       // If the linked list is 5 -> 7 - > 2 and we call
       // insertAtIndex(1, 8), the linked list will be
       // 5 -> 8 -> 7 -> 2  we inserted element 8 at "index" = 1.

       if (head == null)
          return; // nothing to do
       if (i == 0) {
       else {
          Node current = head;
          int count = 0;
          while (current != null && count < i - 1) {
             current = current.next();
             count+= 1;
          if (current == null)
             return; // no such index
          Node newNode = new Node(elem);
          if (current == tail)
             tail = newNode;


    /** Remove a node after the prevNode
     * @param prevNode node before the one we need to remove
    public void removeNodeAfter(Node prevNode) {
       if (head == null || prevNode == null || prevNode.next() == null)
          return; // nothing to do since no node after prevNode

       if (prevNode.next() == tail)
          tail = prevNode;

    /** Get the element at the node at "index" k from the end of the list
     * @param k index from the end of the linked list
     * @return element at that index
    public int getNodeAtIndexKFromEnd(int k) {
       Node slow = head;
       Node fast = head;
       int count = 0;
       while (fast != null && count < k) {
          fast = fast.next();
       if (fast == null) {
          System.out.println("No such index");
          return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

       while (fast != tail) {
          slow = slow.next();
          fast = fast.next();

       return slow.getElem();

     * Return the head of the linked list
     * @return head
    public Node head() {
       return head;

    /** Returns the tail
     * @return tail
    public Node tail() {
       // Useful for testing
       return tail;

    public Iterator<Node> iterator() {
       return new MyLinkedListIterator();

    // An inner class implementing Iterator
    public class MyLinkedListIterator implements Iterator<Node> {
       private Node current;

       public MyLinkedListIterator() {
          current = head;

       public boolean hasNext() {
          return current != null;

       public Node next() {
          Node nextNode = current;
          current = current.next();
          return nextNode;



package queues;
/** A class that implements a Queue ADT using a circular array
 *  The code is modified from Prof. Galles's code.
public class ArrayQueue implements Queue {

    private Object data[]; // the array that will store the queue
    private int head;
    private int tail;
    private int size; // the maximum # of elements it can hold

    public ArrayQueue(int maxsize) {
       data = new Object[maxsize];
       head = 0;
       tail = 0;
       size = maxsize;

    /** Add an element to the end of the queue, if it's not full */
    public void enqueue(Object elem) {
       // Before adding, check if the queue is full
       if ((tail + 1) % size == head) {
          System.out.println("Queue is full: Can't add an element");
       data[tail] = elem;
       tail = (tail + 1) % size;

     * Dequeues the element from the queue
     * @return element that was dequeued
    public Object dequeue() {
       Object retval;

       // Check if the queue is empty
       if (empty()) {
          System.out.println("Queue is empty");
          return null;
       retval = data[head];
       head = (head + 1) % size;
       return retval;

    public boolean empty() {
       return head == tail;

    public String toString() {
       String result = "[";
       int tmpHead = head;
       if (tmpHead != tail) {
          result = result + data[tmpHead];
          tmpHead = (tmpHead + 1) % size;
          while (tmpHead != tail) {
             result = result + "," + data[tmpHead];
             tmpHead = (tmpHead + 1) % size;
       result = result + "]";
       return result;



package queues;
/** Implementation of Queue ADT using a singly linked list. 
 *  This implementation does not use a dummy node. */
public class ListQueue implements Queue {
    private Node head;
    private Node tail;

    ListQueue() {
       head = null;
       tail = null;

     * Create a new node with elem and add it to the
     * end of the linked list
     * @param elem element to add to the queue
    public void enqueue(Object elem) {
       if (head == null) {
          head = new Node(elem);
          tail = head;
       } else {
          tail.setNext(new Node(elem));
          tail = tail.next();

     * Remove the first element from the queue
     * (and return its value)
     * @return the first element in the queue
    public Object dequeue() {
       Object dequeuedElem;

       //if (head == null)
       // return null;
       if (empty()) {
          System.out.println("No elements in the queue");
          return null;
       dequeuedElem = head.getElem();
       head = head.next();
       if (head == null)
          tail = null;
       return dequeuedElem;

    /** Return true if the queue has no elements */
    public boolean empty() {
       return (head == null);

    /** Return a string represeting a queue */
    public String toString() {
       String result = "[";
       Node tmp = head;
       if (tmp != null) {
          result = result + tmp.getElem();
          tmp = tmp.next();
          while (tmp != null) {
             result = result + "," + tmp.getElem();
             tmp = tmp.next();
       result = result + "]";
       return result;




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