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미국유학/IBM Full Stack Developer Coursera

Course Welcome - Introduction to Cloud


There is Six Modules to finish this Course. 


First Module is Cloud. 


I wish I could earn $10M in ten years and then go back to my hometown. 



IaaS = leasing

PaaS = renting

SaaS = taxi 


Paas. >>. High level of Abstraction.  

        Support Services and APIs  : simplify the job of developers 


Advantage of PaaS : Scalability, Faster time to market , Greater Agility and Innovation 



Risks of PaaS : Information security threats, dependency, lack conrol over changes in strategy 



        Multitenant Architecture

        Use Cases

        Concerns : data security         


This is chance that comes once in a lifetime 



Public Cloud Benefits

virtualized multi-tenant architecturing enabling tenants or users to share computing resources 



    Exclusively used by a single organization 

    VPC : Virtual Private Cloud  >> an external cloud that offers a private, secure, computing environment in a shared  public cloud 



    Benefits of private clouds : controlled by internal IT, reduced cost, better scalability , security, agility 



Hybrid Cloud 


    Connects an organizations' on-premise 

    Interoperable , Scalable, Portable 


    Composite MultiCloud, Hybrid Multicloud, Hynrid monocloud 





virtual machine

dedicated host 

bard metal servers : can take longer to provision, minutes to hours, more expensive than VMs , 





bare metal.  vs. Onpremises.  vs  dedicated host 








Hypervisor is actually what allows us to spin up VMs.



manifest file -> image -> container 






Cloud Storage 

persistence : what happens to the storage once the compute node it is attached to is terminated 








Object Storage : cheapest, slowest(read&write) , infinite in size 

File Storage : attached to a compute node to store data , less expensive, 

Block Storage : breaks files into chunks of data , 




Object Storage :    effectively infinite ,  large amounts of unstructure data   ,   

resilience options

use case : text files, audio, vidio, IoT, VM images, Backup Files, Data Archives 

> not suitible for database 


Object Storage- Tiers and APIs 

-standrad Tier  : 

-Vault /Archive Tier : 

-Cold Vault Tier : only once, twice a year 

-Automatic archiving rules 


object storage - api - s3(aws) - http based(RESTful) - put/get 

Effective solution for Backup & Disaster 



Hybrid Multi-Cloud, Microservices, and Serverless 

Cloud Native Applications

DevOps : Applies Agile and Lean thinking principles to all stackholders 

Application Modernization 


Cloud Security and Monitoring 

Cloud Encryption : (Server-side) Generate and manage keys on Cloud  

(Client-Side) Occurs before data is sent to cloud. Cloud providers cannot decrypt hosted data 



Career Opportunities and Job Roles in Cloud Computing